We have a great group of NICA licensed coaches, who love the sport and are here because they want to help our athletes grow, not only as riders, but as people.

Head Coaches & Team Director

Steve Nejedlo

Head Coach

Chris Hiebert

Asst. Head Coach

Dan Cera

Team Director

Assistant Coaches

Chad Berge

Mike Bons

Amy Bryan

Louis Hindman

Joshua Miller

Terra Nicklas

Josh Overholser

Chris Roben

Paul Schmidt

Dan Voss

Please Consider Becoming a Coach

You may think "What do I have that I can provide the team? I don't even mountain bike." If you have time, you can learn technique. A good coach doesn't have to be a good athlete. 

Becoming a coach allows us to accommodate more athletes while providing the coaching staff more flexibility in schedule.

Please contact the Head Coaches or Team Director for more information about coaching at mfsmtbclub@gmail.com.